While I wait for the wood and for the weather to mellow enough to allow extended stays in my unheated workspace, I cannot help it and play around with various software and sets of measurements.
Among other things, I've been taking a look at the location (theoretical!) of the centers of buoyancy and gravity, deciding the location of the forms and producing ideal distributions of deck beams and ribs on the gunwales. I've ended up with 10 beams + masik, which happens to be what Brian Schulz of
Cape Falcon Kayak used for
his semi-replica of this same boat. Ribs have come up to 19. Which is more than Brian's numbers (but, from the pics, I'd guess he used wider ribs), but two less than the 21 (of the same dimensions as I intend mine to be) that
Paco García put on his latest qajaq (whose gunwales are some 0'65 cm longer than mine will be). So, it seems about right, doesn't it?
I know all of this may be a bit heretical and run quite against the spirit of Skin-On-Frame construction, where you abjure plans and patterns, because "the process is the pattern" and all that. But I tell to myself that, after all, the very idea of building a semi-replica is probably abandoning "the path" anyway. So a bit of additional heterodoxy...
Truth is probably that it simply beats just waiting...